Thursday, July 17, 2008



Concern grows over a fiscal crisis for U.S.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


The spend but don't tax idiots that have been running this country for the past 8 years have virtually guaranteed our soon decline into national poverty. I've been raving about this for years. Now I'm very saddened and disturbed to say "I told you so"

What can be done? I'm not smart enough to answer that, and I have very little faith that anyone in Washington can answer that either.

If I had to take action, I would get us out of the war business as soon as possible. Taxes would have to be raised to start paying down the debt. I as an individual have to pay my debts in a timely manner. We as a nation should do no less. Unmanaged debt is a hangman's noose around our national neck, and will strangle us all.

It's often very difficult to do the right thing, but we must do or die. Simple as that.

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