Sunday, March 30, 2008

"100 years" in Iraq? "let slip the dogs of war"

Is it that John McCain (McCane?) is woefully ignorant of Middle East history,
or he just doesn't give a damn?
The wars between the Christian and Muslim powers starting with the Crusades over 1000 years ago sowed the seeds of mistrust and hatred that persists to this day, and it's worst manifestations of our time are  9/11 and the Iraq war.
One of Osama bin Laden's prime motivations to attack the United States was the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia, his native country,and the great majority of the hijackers were Saudi Arabians.
I feel certain that the longterm presence of US armed forces in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East will continue to fan the flames of hatred and war that have gone on so long.
We MUST find a way to diminish our dependence on Middle East oil by creating other sources of energy, using energy more efficiently, and using less of it without damaging our economy.
I believe this can and must be done to save our country from the dogs of war.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

United States Industry, fading away.

Ford and Tata Finalize $2.3B Deal



Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Who are these fools?

Missile Parts Sent to Taiwan in Error


Is no one watching the store? Is everyone on vacation and the village idiot is in charge? Has the village idiot always been in charge?
For the past few years it would seem.

4000 crosses

Some people are probably saying that a war with ONLY 4000 deaths is no big deal. You bet, as long as it's not you, a loved one, family member, good friend, etc.
I remember as a boy during WW2, walking along a residential street and seeing the Gold Stars displayed in windows. Grim reminders of the toll for a small town.
The United States military casualities for WW2 reached 418000 deaths, and uncounted wounded. However, this wasn't a war of choice like Iraq is. Not my choice for sure, but you know whose.
"The evil that men do_____________________"

Monday, March 24, 2008

Lafayette CA War Dead Memorial

View of the memorial from the Lafayette BART parking lot.
View of the memorial from the Lafayette BART parking lot.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

A portion of the John McCrae WWI poem



U.S. Death Toll in Iraq War Hits 4,000


We have reached a grim and gruesome milestone in Iraq. 4000 of our soldiers are dead, and untold numbers of Iraqi civilians are casualties of this iniquitous war.
If there could be a just ending to this evil undertaking, it would go something like this.
Bush and Cheney would be sent to Hell, each with the dog tags of 4000 fallen soldiers around their necks.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Hidden Danger: Soldiers Dying From Electrocution
A Dozen Soldiers Have Died From Accidental Electrocution in Iraq, Says Congressman


Here we have the heartbreaking story of soldiers that are serving their country, and the greatest danger they face may be from some of Dick Cheney's big money buddies that are making HUGE profits from the Iraq war.
Have we EVER had worse people in the highest offices of the land than the BushCheney and cohorts? Not in my memory.
The good people die. The evil people get rich.
Our country has been plundered and dishonored by the BushCheney. How many years to recover our honor?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Black or White?

First I must say that the Obama speech about race was certainly one of the best speeches I have ever heard, and I've been a political junkie for many years. To give an idea of how long, I remember the Roosevelt/Willkie presidential campaign of 1940. Not really well, but I can still see in my mind the buttons and signs.
Now the question. Why is Obama referred to as the 'black" candidate? His mother was caucasian and his father was African. That makes him just as much a "white man" as a "black man".
We don't need a "black man", or a "white man". we need a smart man or woman, something we haven't had for 7 years and counting.
I believe Barack Obama is a very smart man.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Idiot-in Chief

Fire Sale At Bear Stearns And Panic At The Fed
Peter Morici 03.17.08, 10:00 AM ET

quote from article:

"President Bush adopts the posture of Herbert Hoover telling us everything will work out soon. He looks more like a man whistling through the graveyard. Bernanke and Paulson look worse than that. The threat of contagion and wholesale breakdown on a scale of 1929 is real."


In my previous entry, I referred to 1929.

Friday, March 14, 2008


US STOCKS-Market falls as Bear Stearns revives credit fears


Thoughts on the Bear Stearns bailout.
When banks begin to struggle and need to be bailed out, it is a sign that's reminiscent of the bad times beginning with the crash of 1929. We can swim against the tide, but when the tide becomes too strong, we drown.
If the Democrats take control of the White House  and try to restore fiscal sanity, how long will it take?
Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States in 1932 after years of Republican mis-management, and worked very hard to turn things around. There were still hard times right up to the beginning of World War II. What a shame that it took a major war to start the turnaround.
Of this we can be certain. World War II wasn't financed by selling government paper to foreign countries. The loyal citizens of this country worked hard, paid taxes, bought war bonds, and did it the patriots way, not the way of the political coward who tries to hide the cost in longterm debt.
All of you that think war is a grand and necessary undertaking, unless you are willing to pay higher taxes and make sacrifices, you are a freeloader, not a patriot.


Imagine President Bush speaking about the virtues of his economic policies. This is as bad as Eliot Spitzer preaching about the value of sexual abstinence.
Bush and his crew of economic idiots have sent the country's economy on a downward spiral that may take years to recover from. Add to that the Democratic presidential candidates savaging each other and possibly giving John (100yearwar) McCain a free pass into the White House, the start of the USA soon slipping into third world status is almost assured.
Better save your money folks. Hard times are coming.

Thursday, March 13, 2008



What a strange turn of events. The governor of a major state who has, by all accounts, everything one could want. Born with  silver spoon in mouth, growing up white, wealthy, smart, holding high office, with seemingly no limits, suddenly flat on the deck. Ruined!!
His successor, born black, and becoming legally blind at an early age. In spite of these impediments, he becomes a New York State legislator, then Lt. Governor, and now because of the stupidity of Governor Spitzer, will assume the office of Governor of the State of New York.
I wish all success to Governor Paterson. He has earned it, and he deserves it.

Monday, March 10, 2008



Saturday, March 8, 2008


from the Constitution of the United States

Section 2 - Civilian Power over Military, Cabinet, Pardon Power, Appointments

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.


All this yak about commander in chief is mainly political propaganda. Military, or lack of military experience is not the question. As the Constitution says, it is about CIVILIAN control over the military. This is VERY important, as it is intended to keep the military subservient to the civilian sector.

Remember President (formerly five star General) Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex gaining too much power.
It may be too late.


San Francisco Chronicle
Pelosi tells Obama, Clinton to stop sniping
You tell 'em Mama!!! Big bad John will whup their butts if they don't behave.

Friday, March 7, 2008


The Wyoming caucuses. This is mighty big stuff. Population of the whole State of Wyoming is about 510k. By comparison the population of the City of San Francisco is about 777k.
Such a big deal!!!

Clean up the act, candidates

Obama aide forced out for calling Clinton 'a monster',0,4538249.story


OK folks, lets keep it clean, and stick to the issues, or both sides may be consigned to the dustbin of history while McCain pursues his 100 year war.


I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat.
                                                           Will Rogers
Mr. Rogers famous quote has never seemed more true than now. The Republicans have settled their primary election already, and are starting the campaign for the White House while we fight on amongst ourselves.
Come on guys. Find an equitable solution for the Florida-Michigan primary schlamozzle, keep the campaign rhetoric on a higher level, present yourselves in the best light, and may the best person win.
Our country CANNOT stand 4 more bushyears. Our economy is going in the tank, we have lost the respect of much of the world, and our Constitution is in danger from the freedom haters on the Supreme Court.
Am I worried? Damn right I am.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Clinton aide likens Obama to Ken Starr


It's very disgraceful for one Democrat to compare another to Ken Starr. Even the Devil doesn't deserve that. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nero fiddles-------------

Bush tap dances while waiting for McCain.

Today, President Bush is meeting with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for lunch at the White House, where he is expected to endorse his presidential bid. He was so excited for the meeting that, while waiting for McCain to arrive, Bush stood outside on the North Portico and entertained the press corps by tap dancing, doing a goofy walk, winking, and smiling.


I saw this on the news, and this is the first thing that came to mind;

"Nero fiddles while Rome burns"


War now, war forever?

John Sidney "100yearwar" McCain will be the Republican nominee for President of the United States. If we Democrats don't get on the ball, we will have at least 4 more years of Bushcrap, and continue our inexorable slide into third world status.
Continuous war and massive debt will be the end of what has been civilizations grandest experiment in Constitutional freedoms and representative democracy.
Democrats, don't allow the dream to die.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Political religion

Obama: Tired Of Religion Question


Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


The question of a candidates religion should have NO bearing on the presidential campaign, or any campaign for political office in the United States, and may GOD damn those that behave contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America. This is our "sacred" document, and those that behave in violation of it deserve the fires of political Hell.
In my not-so-humble opinion, all candidates that are being sworn into office should be placing their right hand on the Constitution, and swearing that they will uphold it to the absolute limits of their ability, so help them Founding Fathers.

Orange County faces massive teacher layoffs

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Thanks to the foolishness of the electorate and the greed, selfishness and stupidity of the elected, here is a symptom of a sick society, apparently a society that can no longer afford to give their children a superior education.
Would this be happening if there wern't trillions upon trillions of dollars of debt that is sucking the life out of our economy? Will the next generation of leadership understand this crisis and set in motion a plan to reverse the decline? Or will war and debt soon spell our doom as a great country? Stay tuned! 
"The evil that men do lives after them"