Thursday, February 28, 2013


How is that Rushboy Limbaugh became so popular among the members of  the KNOWNOTHING Party? (some call it the Republican Party) As I see it, he did it by spouting Nazi propaganda.
If Adolf Hitler came back to life, he would embrace Russboy, and install him as chief of propaganda. So-long Herr Goebbels. Rushboy will send you to the gas chamber to die with the people that you hate.


To the College of Cardinals. WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Remember Jesus? He was the man who fed the hungry and healed the sick. Can you imagine the wealth of the Vatican put to doing the work of Jesus? Too radical an idea? These old men who wear dresses and parade in sanctimonius hypocricy don't want to hear this nonsense.
There will never be peace on earth as long as old fools such as these hold the reins of power.


Bob Woodward has been threatened by the White House before. Remember Nixon? Remember Watergate? Mr. Woodward isn't new to stirring the pot and getting burned. Whoever burns Woodward usually gets burned in return, and more severely. Dummy politicians should beware when Bob is in the room. As they say, "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen"

Saturday, February 23, 2013


It is said that the Chinese government is hacking into USA computer networks, and may have the ability to disrupt systens such as the power grid, and many others.

Well, shame on them. We, the pure of heart, would NEVER do anything like that.



Friday, February 22, 2013


What would Jesus say? To all you of the sanctimonius right, I ask, do you really care what Jesus stood for? Jesus fed the hungry. Jesus healed the sick. Jesus preached peace on Earth. If we were to apply  Republican orthodoxy to the work of Jesus, he must have been a communist.
I can't speak for Jesus, but I'll bet he wouldn't be a Republican.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Dear Tesla
Keep up the good work. I believe that you are on the right track leading to the future of the automobile. The internal combustion engine is nearing the end of it's great life and new technology should take over.
Many years ago, I had 2 friends at work who had a great deal of expertise in the areas of auto mechanics and electrical theory. My expertise was in the area of elevator mechanics and electrical troubleshooting.
Our discussions concerning the future of the automobile led to a system very similar to the current Tesla engine.
We expected the internal combustion engine to die hard, and our expectation has proved to be correct. However, that day is coming thanks to you and your belief in a better automotive future.
Again I say, "Keep up the good work"!


Thursday, February 14, 2013


Dear Jackie
Again I write about gun control. I own guns, but I do not belong to the church of the NRA and worship guns. A gun is a tool that can harm and kill, and needs to be regulated.

The words of the 2nd Amendment should be heeded. " well regulated" are the two words that must be obeyed by all. We need LEADERSHIP from our elected officials.

Letter to Congresswoman Speir

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Chris is very much overweight, and most medical opinion will say that he is morbidly overweight. No one in that condition, be he Democrat or Republican will be able to manage the stress of being President of the United States without suffering some consequences.
There is more to it than that. There is the lack of self disipline in personal matters that may very well extend to the duties of office. Can we afford this? I think not.