Monday, February 26, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" won the Oscar for best documentary. This may not, in his mind, make up for losing the Presidential election in 2000, but it does have the potential to create an interesting irony.
In Florida there were some shananigans involving the Presidential vote that may have cheated Gore out of the win.
Here's the irony. If the scientist's global warming predictions are correct. large parts of Florida will be under water.
Take that, hanging chads!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Our Government is a Disgrace

Bush and the gang prattle on endlessly about "support the troops".  Here's an example of "supporting the troops".

These people have no shame.

==============================                                Dana Priest On Walter Reed: An ‘Unbelievable’ Story of ‘Neglect’ and ‘Indifference’

Dana Priest and Anne Hull of the Washington Post revealed over the weekend that Walter Reed hospital, once perceived as the “crown jewel of military medicine,” has become “something else entirely — a holding ground for physically and psychologically damaged outpatients.”


I hope Dana gets a Pulitzer Prize

Monday, February 19, 2007

bin Laden still at large

I wrote this more that a year ago. bin Laden is still alive. What I said then, I still believe.

Thursday, December 29, 2005
1:39:00 PM EST
 Where is bin Laden?

Does bin Laden have more propaganda value to Bush and Co. if he remains free and can be perceived as a major threat in the "War on Terror"?


Exclusive: CIA Commander: U.S. Let bin Laden Slip Away


I have long suspected that there were more reasons than meet the eye for the seeming abandonment of the war against the Taliban and bin Laden in Afghanistan.

To maintain a constant state of war, one's enemy must remain alive and healthy.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Iraq debate

I listened to some of the debate in the House and Senate on the Iraq question. The Republican theme was to accuse the Democrats of wanting to "cut off funding to troops in harms way".
Let us get to the truth here. From the very beginning of this war, it's been Bush and the Republicans who have "cut off funding to troops in harms way" by trying to make war on the cheap, all the while giving huge tax breaks to their wealthy friends. They have sent "troops into harms way" without proper equipment such as body armor and vehicles not properly armored.  They have sent "troops into harms way" without proper training. They have kept "troops in harms way" by extending tours of duty for battle weary soldiers. Soldiers who have already served one or more tours are being returned to "harms way", while their families and loved ones are sick with fear that this time they will return in a body bag.
The Bush administration may be the most cruelly incompetent in our history. It is imperative that their ability to continue to make war in the Middle East be reined in and a rational way out of this horror be found.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The new Virginia

How times have changed since I was a boy in Salem, VA, from around 1935-1947.
Schools were "separate but equal". Back of the bus for blacks. Balcony in the movies. Separate restrooms,  on and on and on. Come a long way, Still a long way to go.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Barack Obama

An excerpt taken from a letter by Obama that I thought had a deft turn of phrase:

"-----it's not the magnitude of our problems that concerns people the most. It's the smallness of our politics."

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hillary on Iraq war vote

Hillary, if you make a mistake, and are unable to admit that you made a mistake, it's likely that you will make more mistakes.

I'm a loyal Democrat. I hate that I have to say this about a fellow Democrat.

Dixie Chicks

From the Grammy Awards:

"I, for the first time in my life, am speechless," said Maines, who generated controversy during a 2003 UK concert by telling the audience that she was ashamed George W. Bush was from her home state of Texas.

Natalie Maines spoke the truth in 2003 and for that the Dixie Chicks suffered the "slings and arrows" of public condemnation and lost bookings.

Ms. Maines has been vindicated by history. I can only wish that more of our politicians had her courage. Maybe we wouldn't be in this most awful mess that's Iraq.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Barack Obama---------------------

----------------has announced that he is in the running for the Democratic nomination to be the candidate for President of the United States.

He will be taking plenty of criticism for his lack of experience in Washington.

Lets talk about the current occupant of the Oval Office. His only relevant experience was as Governor of Texas. If you look into the strange and wonderful document known as the Constitution of the State of Texas, you will learn that the Lt. Governor holds more power than the Governor.

So, if Obama was to win the nomination, and subsequently win the Presidency, he would have at the time he's sworn in, 4 more years experience in Washington than Bush had at the time he was sworn in.

Experience is good, but intelligence is better.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Once there was a wise Republican

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of it's laborers, the genius of it's scientists, the hopes of it's children.

-- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


The Senate dithers

While soldiers die

The Congress fiddles

While innocents cry

The world is watching,

You and I

We won't forget

How they did lie

Monday, February 5, 2007

Letter to Senator Boxer

Dear Senator Boxer
I know that you understand the meaning of the last election. I would hope that the Republicans are smart enough to get the meaning also.
A non-binding resolution concerning the war would be "nice", but not much more.
We need a binding resolution that would force a Bush veto. Then put the Republicans feet in the fire. Say to them: "Are you for the war or against the war. Does "vox populi" mean anything to you?"
The "Emperor has no clothes". It's way past time that people came to grips with this fact.

Friday, February 2, 2007

The Mayor of San Francisco

Gavin Newsom, what was he thinking?

I knew that I should have told that boy the Parable of the Cat and the Railroad Track. Too late

Once upon a time there was a tomcat in a small town. He liked to wander about from neighborhood to neighborhood, meeting friends, stealing food, and occasionally stopping in his travels for a rest.

This particular day was very warm, and Mr. Tom soon became sleepy and decided to nap. As usual. he wasn't fussy about where he snoozed, and on this day, it was beside the railroad track.

Soon he was sleeping very soundly too close to the track. As he slept, his tail twitched back and forth, and came to rest on the track. Poor timing, as a train was rolling by.

Mr. Tom's tail hit the track, and the wheel cut off a bit of the tip, which woke up Tom. He saw what had happened to his tail, and in a rage tried to bite the train. Lo and behold, his head was cut off.

The Moral:

Never lose your head over a little piece of tail.