Thursday, December 1, 2005

"The evil that men do lives after them,-----------

-------------the good is oft interred with their bones" Shakespeare.

In Iraq, evil is being done, but the evil doers are far away and safely enconsed in cushy positions of great power and influence.

It's the young, the good, and the brave whose bones are being interred as they die in a war, for which the reasons and logic are increasingly being called into question, and "stay the course" is the weak battle cry. Anytime now, I expect the Vietnam War "Light at the end of the tunnel" crap to surface.

The latest fiasco to come to light is the story today about some shadowy propaganda outfit unfortunately named "Lincoln Group" that is paying Iraqi journalists to plant feelgood stories in local press.These stories are written by our people, translated into Arabic and printed as legitimate news. More of our tax money down the rathole.




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