Monday, December 5, 2005

Belay Tom Delay----------------

------------and send him away.

Tom Delay is under indictment for a felony, and Dick Cheney is in Texas to make a fund raising speech for him. The chutzpah of these folks knows no bounds. I suppose that they think they can do almost anything they want, and get away with it. They surely do believe in the Barnum theory that there's a sucker born every minute.

I can only hope that a saying, maybe mistakely ascribed to Abe Lincoln, will come to bear on these scoundrels.

"You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about the "military-industrial complex" gaining too much power. He should have said. "the military-POLITICAL-industrial complex".

The link is to an article in the San Diego Union-Tribune online version that outlines some of the rampant corruption involving Duke Cunningham and many others. It's a long read and a real eye opener.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The military-industrial complex is doing very well these days. As a matter of fact check this out. This is outrgeous (I wonder who he bribed?):