Monday, November 28, 2005

Another example of Republican corruption

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California Republican Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham pleaded guilty in San Diego federal court on Monday to conspiracy and tax evasion for taking money from a defense contractor in exchange for supporting its efforts to secure Defense Department contracts.

Cunningham, 63, an eight term Congressman and decorated Vietnam War veteran, has been under federal investigation for his ties to Washington-based defense contractor MZM Inc. since the summer.

He has said he will not seek re-election in 2006. He is scheduled to be sentenced on February 27.

© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.

The Republican Party, so called "conservative", self styled "religious", and all round pretenders to the moral highground, have allowed power, arrogance and hubris to corrupt them and send their moral compass spinning out of control. 

There is only one answer for this, send the scoundrels packing.  Imprison those such as Delay and Cunningham and cause them to suffer as they have caused our country to suffer.

Enough is enough!


Cunningham has done one honorable act . He resigned from Congress. If he was an honorable samurai, there would be one more act involving a white robe, a poem and a very sharp sword.


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