Saturday, January 19, 2013

Antonio Villaraigosa

Antonio Villaraigosa, the Latino mayor of Los Angeles.

Barack Obama became the first African-American to become President of the United States. Will Mayor Villaraigosa become the first Latino-American to become President? Is the phrase, "All men are created equal-----" coming true?

I was born during the first term of FDR, one of the great men of the 20th century.
Years later, Jack Kennedy was elected President. Many thought that a Roman Catholic would never be President. Times changed.

The path for Obama was steep and difficult, but he persisted and overcame many obstacles. He has shown the way, Will Hillary Clinton benefit from Obama's struggle? She may. She should. Will Antonio follow her? He should.

Will we then have proof that all PEOPLE are created equal and can aspire to and gain high position, fame, and the love and respect of ther fellow citizens?

The time has come!

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