Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thoughts on Mumbai

The horror that is Mumbai should cause thoughtful and concerned people to examine carefully the world situation as is defined by terrorism

The thought that came to me this morning as I observed the grim images on the television is this. All that we have done in Iraq is for naught. All who have died in Iraq in pursuit of this vain quest have died for naught. We have been led by fools down a foolish and evil path. "The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children......."

Proverbs says: "He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind;" The madness in Mumbai is decended from the generations of leadership of the past for whom self aggrandizement was the primary motivator. The new generation of leadership that is coming to power will only succeed in the so called "war on terror" if they consider the well being of all peoples, and not just the welfare of their own political and economic circle.

We can be thankful on this day for the new "Captain of the Ship of State" who will soon inhabit the Hall of Power known as the White House. Will he have the wisdom and patience to turn the ship around? Maybe we will have the answer on this day in 2009.

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