Tuesday, December 2, 2008


For as long as I can remember, the Republicans have called the Democrats, "the party of tax and spend". Much to our economic distress, the Republicans, who have been in power for the past 8 years have been "the party of don't tax, but spend anyway". Now, as a result of this foolishness, the economy is out of whack, the public debt is of astronomical proportions, and growing rapidly with every multi-billion "bailout".

California governor Arnold "Terminator" Schwarznegger says the state government is in great economic distress and has signed a declaration of emergency. Well Arnold, you have been a willing part of the "don't tax, but spend anyway" gang of economic lame-brains, and now you are looking for a bailout to save you and your ilk from bankruptcy. I'll bet your mother taught you better, but you forgot the lesson.

Speaking of bailouts, there can only so much money be printed before the evils of inflation ruin the economy. Read the history of Germany after World War One.


"The evil that men do lives after them.........." . In this case, it resulted in the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, the Nazi Party, and World War Two.

Republicans, you call yourselves "conservative". Why don't you behave as a conservative should? Stop spending money you don't have.

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