Tuesday, September 23, 2008

NATIONAL DEBT LIMIT================

====================11.3 TRILLION DOLLARS.


This is a huge number. I'm not sure it's correct. I don't understand numbers this big. Does the doofus gang in Washington understand?


I think that many of them don't understand. I hear people as smart as Barney Frank say "billion" when he means "trillion".

A quote from years ago:

A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.
Senator Everett Dirksen
US politician (1896 - 1969)

The good senator would have to learn a new number. A number rarely, if ever used in those days except by scientists and odds makers.

"A trillion here, a trillion there", etc.- etc.

Take a billion. Multiply by 1000, and then confusion sets in.


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