Sunday, September 21, 2008


Bailout plan needs stronger oversight: Pelosi

.WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday that Democrats want to deal swiftly with the Bush administration's $700 billion financial market rescue plan, but also want more oversight, taxpayer protections and regulatory reform.

There should not be 1 cent of taxpayer money to bailout the crooked bankers and mortgage rats until proper and stringent regulations are in place to insure this disaster does not re-occur in a short time.
The "no regulation" gang should be shut out of this process, because it is their greed and stupidity that brought about this crisis in the first place, THEY CAN'T BE TRUSTED.
Proper regulation is necessary for society to protect itself from the evil machinations of anarchistic rightwingers. Would these people eliminate all types of regulation. How about laws that regulate automobile traffic? I mean after all, red lights are such an inconvenience. Hard to steal when you are stuck in traffic with honest people just trying to get to work to make enough to pay the crooked mortgage holder.
Our goal should be PROPER REGULATION, and swift punishment for those who violate the rules.

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