Saturday, February 11, 2006

Is there no limit to evil duplicity?

Excerpt from an email sent by Congressman Tom Lantos concerning Social Security:



"In a shocking note, the Administration made a stealth attempt to push through privatization of Social Security.  While, the President conceded in this year’s State of the Union address that Congress resisted his attempts to privatize Social Security, and Democrats stood and cheered, hidden in the budget is a nearly identical plan to the one touted with such fanfare last year.  Believe me, this will bring people in both parties and across the country back to their feet – to battle against any attempt to push this plan through. I consulted the Congressional Research Service, which confirmed that the budget proposal includes replacing guaranteed benefits with risky private accounts, making the largest single benefit cut in Social Security history, and siphoning off the Social Security Trust Fund in order to cover the new program’s costs."


These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Damn majority opinion and the will of the people. Full speed ahead and wreck the country on the rocks of fiscal and moral irresponsibility.


More on this:

P.S. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would look back on the Richard Nixon years as, "the good old days".

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