Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Congress should veto Bush

Bush Says Dubai Port Deal Should Proceed, Threatens Veto


Isn't it time for Congress to stop being the lapdog of the Executive branch, stand up on their hind legs and quit being bushbootlickers?

Has the time come to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate this asinine deal and uncover the quid pro quo?

At this time in our history, this deal is beyond all imagination. Not only is security involved, but outsourcing  more business to foreign countries is stupid.

The workers and taxpayers in our country are being royally screwed, and it's time to say, "ENOUGH".

More thoughts: 

Regardless of the merits or demerits of the deal, it's still a UAE government owned company. Just for sake of argument, before we invaded Iraq, we had 50 million Islamic enemies. Now we may have 500 million. Saudi Arabia is our friend, right? Egypt is our friend, right? All the 9-11 terrorists were Saudis except for 2 Egyptians. You can bet your life that there are Islamics working for this port company that hate our guts, and would be willing to sacrifice their life to cause great harm to a port city.

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