Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson announced that she will join Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders around the city in the three-day fast and prayer intended to help Harrisburg out of its financial crisis. According to the Patriot News, the event will seek to find a more cooperative spirit among governmental leaders in the city.

Harrisburg is currently struggling with nearly $300 million in debts after a floundering incinerator project swallowed much of the city’s budget. It was admitted to a state-run program for distressed municipalities in December, and a panel has warned that if the city does not reduce personnel costs and sell its assets, it could run out of money for payroll and other obligations.

I will reiterate my Mother's admonishment. "God helps those who help themselves".

OK fools, get off your fat lazy asses and get to work, Forget the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. WORK! I assume you have heard the word "work", and have some idea of the meaning. If you are unable or unwilling to work, get out of town and let some people who do understand what it means to take over and fix the mess you have made.

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