Thursday, July 15, 2010


Of course, all the rightys will complain about how long it took Obama to plug the leak. When if first happened, a lot of supposedly smart people were saying why doesn't he do this and order that and blah to the nth power. People that are smart were saying dumb things. For instance, I heard Chris Matthews say something to the effect, why doesn't the Navy send a sub down there, blah. blah. The truth is it would have been crushed like a soda can stepped on by an elephant, and he should know that. The pressure a mile under water is beyond belief. The oil industry should have been ready for a disaster such as this, but not being required to, why bother? The feds were always looking the other way with eyes closed.
Another thing amazing to me. Proposals to stop deep water drilling in the Gulf are opposed by many people down there. Drilling will continue, but extreme safety measures must be put in place and rigidly enforced.
Wind and solar power must be pushed harder and harder. The less oil we need, the cleaner and safer the environment will be.

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