Saturday, August 22, 2009


The fools rush to the town hall meetings, fists in the air, shouting, stomping, ranting about the cost of Obama healthcare, the evils of socialism, disrupting civil discourse. The errand of fools.

These fools are worried about cost? Worried about their freedom? Worried that the evil one (Obama) will take their money and ruin their medical situation. One fool even shouted, " keep da gummint outa my medicare". Need I say more about fools? It da gummint dat run medicare, silly fool.

What I really want to know is where are these fools when their government gets us into another stupid war, people die, the deficit shoots upward, and the cost is passed on to generations to come?

What it proves it this: If their brains were dynamite, they wouldn't have enough power to blow their noses.

It is very difficult to suffer these fools and maintain one's equinamity.

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