Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Shakespeare, from Julius Caesar.
"The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones"----------so let it be with Jeremiah.

The Reverend Wright may have done much good, but he will be remembered for his attempts to wreck a good man.
If warmonger McCain gets elected, there should be a special place in Hell for the evil preacher.

Monday, April 28, 2008

McCain Loves the Poor (sure he does)

McCain calls Obama insensitive to poor people


McCain has a lot of gall saying Obama is "insensitive to poor people.  Hey Johnny boy, remember the Keating five, of which you were a member. Your pal Charles Keating cheated old people out of their savings, and started the infamous savings and loan crisis.

These people wern't poor until you and Keating were done with them.



Lamentations of Jeremiah

Wright Says Criticism Is Attack on Black Church


It seems that the Rev. Wright is doing more to help elect a fellow Marine than to elect his parishinor, Barack Obama.

I suggest  to the reverend that he get out of sight and shut-up before he causes real harm to our country by assuring the election of 4 more Bush years. All he is doing is feeding his ego, to the delight of the Republicans.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

An Economy in Trouble

Dollar's fall forces new standard of frugality


My three posts previous to this one are directly related to the troubles in our economy. Why is this?

One major reason is that too many of you voted for the disastrous Republican administration that has brought us to this mess of war and debt.

When you vote for a slate of party candidates for national office, you expect them to keep the country safe and the economy strong. If that's what you expected, you should be very disappointed. We aren't all that safe, and the economy is sinking rapidly at a rate most likely not in the memory of the majority.

Folks, you have been sucker punched by the people you trusted. Are you going to make the same mistake again? Will you vote for Grandfather McCane and get 4 more years of incompetence?



Saturday, April 26, 2008


Nearer, My Gas, To TheeNearer, My Gas, To Thee

Rocky Twyman has a radical solution for surging gasoline prices: prayer.


My response:

The first thought that came to mind was one of my mother's "motherisms".
"GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES". As a youth, I heard it many times.
 Wake up fools. God had nothing to do with the price of gas. This mess was created by the greed and stupidity of mankind, and only when we wake up and take positive action will the situation begin to stabilize.
Some advice for prayermiester Rocky Twyman. Follow my mother's advice and help yourself. Buy a hybrid. Install solar energy panels. Take public transportation. Drive your car less. And stop complaining to God. It ain't her fault!

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Idiots Print Money

Thomson Financial News
Bush says Treasury to begin issuing stimulus tax rebates next week UPDATE
04.25.08, 12:23 PM ET


I well remember when the Republicans were the party of fiscal conservatisim, and regularly excoriated the Democrats for "printing money". Well, day has turned to night and the former "conservatives" have become fiscal idiots, and we are slowly sinking into third world status as we are vastly overburdened by debt.

Bush and the pack of fools are "printing money", no doubt based on debt to China or Japan. Do they really believe that this money will not have to be paid back someday? And when that day comes, where will our economy be then?

These "patriots" are doing more to bring us down than our enemies. I guess they just aren't smart enough to realize it.

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, et al. must be spinning in their graves.

Founding Fathers, I apologize for the acts of some of my fellow citizens. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wanna buy a cheap house?

Foreclosures quadruple in state, Bay Area

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A triumph of greed, stupidity and Bushenomics.



Tuesday, April 22, 2008


VA stalling on care, judge told at S.F. trial

Tuesday, April 22, 2008



This is so evil and beneath contempt as to be nearly impossible to comment on
The draft dodgers Bush and Cheney have every benefit and luxury imaginable,
and to hell with the real patriots, the veterans of the war they love so much.
excerpt from the article:
"He also ruled that veterans are legally entitled to five years of government-provided health care                                                                                        after leaving the service, despite federal officials' argument that they are required to provide only                                                                                          as much care as the VA's budget allows in a given year."
My comment on this:
According to the government lawyers, they only have to provide care that the
budget allows. Cut the budget, cut the care. Take that argument far enough, and
there will only be funds available to keep the bloodsuckers in their luxury offices
while the sick veterans die in the streets.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Cafferty on CNN

Jack was ruminating on-air about the whys and wherefores of Osama bin Laden still being on the loose. Below is my email response to him.



You wonder why bin Laden hasn't been caught. That is so easy, I wonder why you ask.

I believe that they intentionally let him escape when there was an opportunity to corner him in Afghanistan several years ago. What could be better to keep the war going than having your archenemy still on the loose and planning to launch another attack.
Worth billions upon billions in arms sales for friends of Bush.
War yesterday. War today. War tomorrow.
War without end.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008



Oh dear me, have I offended anyone?
I sure hope so.

Gasoline Tax "Holiday"

John McCain wants a "holiday" for the gasoline tax.
Gasoline taxes are needed to pay for transportation infrastructure maintenance, repair and replacement.
Think about that the next time you cross a bridge.
Or drive under one.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My First Entry


My First Entry. Little has changed.


Monday, November 14, 2005
11:49:00 AM EST



  Bush calls critics of the Iraq war "irresponsible". I'll tell you what's irresponsible.  Starting a war under false pretenses, faulty intelligence, and outright lies, now that"s irresponsible. Did I say "irresponsible"? It's far worse than that. Thousands are dead. A country is slowly being destroyed. Physically, it's Iraq, and morally it's the United States. What are supposed to be policies, tactics, and strategies  to ameliorate terrorism have in fact served to exacerbate it, and there is no end in sight. We are making more enemies than friends, and no good will ever come from that. Saul of Tarsus saw the error of his ways. Is there any hope for George of Texas?  


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

War and Peace

General Petraeus and his retinue of assorted flunkies appeared before the United States Senate yesterday. He told them how it is and how it will be in Iraq. The war will go on to suit his timetable, seeming to be unconcerned about how the people he supposedly works for feel about it.
There was talk of agreements they may enter into with the Iraq "government". This did cause concern among some of the Senators who may be worried about "advice and consent" as is written in the Constitution of the United States, referred to below.
"Clause 2:
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur----------"
I awoke in the middle of the night with a vision of the surreality of the whole proceeding. Somehow it morphed into visions based on the strange and disturbing Patrick McGoohan tv show, "The Prisoner". 
Are we prisoners of the "Military-Industrial Complex" that we were warned about by President Eisenhower? More and more it would seem so. Can we afford another 4-8 years of the same love of war and disrespect of the Constitution as we have had from the BushCheney gang?
It could be disastrous to the vision of our forefathers and their genius.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How long will it be?

We have three candidates for President of the United States. We have three time frames for exiting Iraq. 1. Almost never. 2. Sooner than that. 3. Maybe sooner yet.

How many die under plan 1?

How many die under plan 2?

How many die under plan 3?

How many children of those in power who make these decisions will die in Iraq?

My guess is NONE.

Bring back the draft. NO EXEMPTIONS.

This will end the war soonest.





Monday, April 7, 2008

The War and Praytellus

The surge will work even if it takes 100 years.





Thursday, April 3, 2008

McCain, war lover

If you love war, you love McCain. If war without end is what rings your bell, then John Wayne McCain is your guy.

You might ask why big bad John hasn't signed on to the new GI Bill to take better care of Iraq/Afghanistan veterans. Could it be as a Republican he is loath to raise taxes to give proper care and benefits to veterans? Does he just not give a damn? He suffered, so they should suffer?

This is beyond  understanding.

I'm very sorry he suffered, but did he learn nothing from it?


Bushenomics Strikes Again

ATA Closes Operations, Files Chapter 11


Is there any doubt as to the direction the economy is headed? Seven years of Republican irresponsible rule, and down we go.

Save your money.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Into the Sunset

Let us hope and pray that when the election is over,
John Wayne McCain rides off into the sunset and
spends the rest of his many days among the cows
and the cactus.
Better for him.
Better for us.
Better for Peace and Prosperity.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Trucking industry and fuel cost

Way back in the 1950's, the National Defense Highway Act was passed by Congress. This is the legislation that built the Interstate Highway system, and one industry that was lobbying for the act was the trucking industry.
This highway system gave freight transport business to the long haul trucking industry, to the detriment of the railroad industry.
It is well known that the amount of fuel to move a ton of freight 1 mile by railroad is a fraction of that consumed by a big rig to move the same tonnage.
The chickens have come home to roost, and if you want chicken dinner, you better hope that the railroads get more of the chicken hauling business. Not a great analogy, but you get the picture.
The freight business needs some realignment. Sad to say, some will suffer. The idea is to reduce our dependence on oil, and economic dislocation is a nasty byproduct of this necessary transition.
We need a way to help those who will suffer from this change.
Interesting sidebar: Co-author of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
Sen. Albert Gore Sr.
How much has this contributed to global warming?

Oh No!! They have a plan.

Editorial: Paulson's plan only shuffles regulatory duties
Mercury News Editorial