Friday, April 25, 2008

The Idiots Print Money

Thomson Financial News
Bush says Treasury to begin issuing stimulus tax rebates next week UPDATE
04.25.08, 12:23 PM ET


I well remember when the Republicans were the party of fiscal conservatisim, and regularly excoriated the Democrats for "printing money". Well, day has turned to night and the former "conservatives" have become fiscal idiots, and we are slowly sinking into third world status as we are vastly overburdened by debt.

Bush and the pack of fools are "printing money", no doubt based on debt to China or Japan. Do they really believe that this money will not have to be paid back someday? And when that day comes, where will our economy be then?

These "patriots" are doing more to bring us down than our enemies. I guess they just aren't smart enough to realize it.

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, et al. must be spinning in their graves.

Founding Fathers, I apologize for the acts of some of my fellow citizens. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

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