Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July

On this 4th of July, i find myself ruminating on where we came from, and where we seem to be today. Our ancestors fought the War of Revolution to free us from the yoke of a corrupt English monarchy, and created a Constitution to guarantee us the freedoms they fought for.
Will these freedoms survive?
The Halls of Power in our capitol, Washington, DC, seem to have become rife with corruption and greed. The most egregious example of this is in that symbol of freedom, the White House. There we have not only corruption, but also a near Shakespearean story of failure at the very top. As a President of the United States, George W. Bush is an abject failure. He, his Vice President Dick Cheney, and their sorry band of groveling flunkys have led us into an unwinnable war that over the long term could be a serious threat to the freedoms we cherish.
It's time to wake up America. It's time to stand up and demand the leadership we need to continue to prosper and live free. If we don't stand up, we may get what we deserve, which will be more of the same that comes out of Washington, and surely this will portend the end of the grand experiment in self government given us by our forefathers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those who critizice our present goverment for what He's doing. We can debate about what they are doing today and also about yesterday. It seems unfair to some but these unfairness and desagreements has been with us from day one. Starting from the native americans era, on what they went through. Even our FOUNDING FATHERS were wrong when they wrote our constitution they forgot that the natives americans and blacks should have the same privilege under the constituion as the rest of americans. Today I see many politicians debating issues and I hear them recalling our FOUNDING FATHERS, they weren't right on some issues, we weren't right either as citizens. We refuse to recognize the right of others, their human rights, their civil rights as they help to found this great country with their sweat and blood. Thats why today I call them our FOUNDING UNRECOGNIZE SONS that our fathers didn't recognize. "And the debate goes on". I wish you all enjoy this 4 of July and hug your fellow american of any color....because after all We all are the sons of our FOUNDING FATHERS.