Thursday, December 21, 2006

Jeb Bush? No Way!

"I have no future" -- Jeb Bush tells reporters


Concerning Jeb Bush, I have this to say:

  We fought the War of the Revolution to escape the tyranny of dynastic kings and their claim that they ruled by divine right.

  We have had Bush  1 and 2, and it's damn well enough. As it is now, Bush 2 thinks he talks to God,and probably believes he has some kind of "divine right" to do as he pleases, even if the destruction of nations is the result. Bush 3 would constitute a dynasty, and who knows where it would proceed from there.

  My great-great -grandfather at the age of 15 years was a member of George Washington's Army of the Revolution. To succumb to the rule of familial dynasty would be a great dishonor to him, and to all his brethren who suffered and died so we could be free.


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