Thursday, May 18, 2006

War with Mexico

If Bush doesn't get the immigration bill he wants from the House and Senate, maybe his next step will be to declare war on Mexico. In light of recent history, it should be obvious to all that Congressional advise and consent is not required to wage war.

Once war is underway, all illegal immigrants can be rounded up as enemy combatants and put in concentration camps at forced labor. There they will produce goods even cheaper than they do now. This should make business happy.

The Armed Services will be dispatched to the border to repel the invading hordes. The border will be secured, with at least 100000 soldiers stationed there in perpetuity, such as the DMZ at the 38th parallel in Korea. Lets see now, that's been more than 50 years I believe.

My goodness! Do you suppose I've been reading Karl's mind?

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