Friday, September 14, 2012


The far right birthers are raving again about Obama's birthplace. Rational evidence in the form of a birth certificate from Hawaii proves he is a citizen. The looney tuners nsist he was born in Africa, and therefore is not elegible to be President.

Here is what it is all about. Obama is a Damocrat. and is bi-racial. Half Caucasian and half African. The righties hate Democrats and nig---s.
Obama has the upper hand. He is the President and is many time smarter that these silly s--t for brains.

Mitt Romney is a pitiful sadsack. He's too stupid to realizr that if he ran a rational and civilized campaign he would have a much better chance of winning. But, he's not smart. He may not even be smart enough to avoid falling off the edge of the flat Earth. Bye=bye Mitt, and good riddance.

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