Sunday, September 25, 2011


Reno violence. What a shame.
Kathi and I were in Sparks NV at John Ascuaga's Nugget Saturday September 18 thru 21. It was quiet and peaceful. There were two beautifully restored and customized Harley-Davidson motorcycles displayed in the lobby that were much admired. We throughly enjoyed ourselves.
I truly hope that this senseless violence won't discourage people from going to Reno and having a enjoyable time. I know that my wife and I will go back again when we can afford it! We've been going there for many years. In fact, we were married there over 40 years ago. Reno is an important part of our life.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Do you want to drive on substandard bridges? If so, vote Republican. They are indeed a "Bridge over Troubled Waters". Or, troubled bridge over dangerous waters.



Why is it that the religious folks often invoke the COMMANDMENTS, but hypocritically honor them mostly in the breach?

For instance, the death penalty. The religious folks need to remember the Biblical quote, "Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord".

There have been many cases of innocent people being punished by the State with the death penalty. The justice system with all it's propensities for error should realize that state sanctioned killing may often be an egregious error that cannot in any way be rectified.

In a purely monetary sense, it often costs more to kill the convicted than it does to keep them in prison for life. May we say the the death penalty is not a fiscally responsible policy?

What to do, what to do?

Friday, September 16, 2011


Mitt romney is NOT his father George. Romney Sr. was a great man. Mitt is a twit.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


"Of all the American political parties in the 19th century, perhaps none generated more controversy than the Know-Nothing Party, or the Know-Nothings. Officially known as the American Party, it actually emerged from secret societies opposed to immigrants coming to America.
Its shadowy beginnings, and popular nickname, led to it going down in history as something of a joke."

"Yet in their own time, the Know-Nothings made their presence known, and no one was laughing."
Have they come back from the dead? I suspect they were never dead, except in the head. They seem to exemplify the Republican Party as we now know it. Knowing nothing is political sophistication in this time we live in. How sad!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Bachman has a problem with mandatory preventive injections for children. She thinks they may contribute to mental retardation. Is she proof of her theory?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


AKA the "new" Republican Party. I have said this before and more and more I'm convinced that I am correct. To be fair, the "new party" is the TEA PARTY.They are pushing aside the old traditional Republicans, as they move to the extreme right, and I doubt that the oldtime Repubbys have the cojones to fight back.

Monday, September 12, 2011

R as in reasonable

Many years ago the "R" in reasonable was not so far removed from the "R" in Republican, once the party of President (former general) Dwight D Eisenhower. Now the "R" is as in far Rightist, an anathma to Republicans like Dwight David Eisenhower.
I was born in 1933, and grew up in the Roosevelt era. Another "R", and a reasonable man deticated to finding solutions to the great problems of the time. The reasonable "R" in the arena of politics seems to have gone away, Maybe forever.
The "R" on the political scene now is the Rick from Texass. A Republican, but not reasonable.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11. Unforseen Consequences

War has dire consequences. War has unforseen consequences. War that is "justified" is also war that is "unjustified". War that people believe is justified is unjustified evil to others. War that is undertaken to "free" others is often the diminishment of freedom to those who proscecute the war. The glory or war for some is the agony of war for many.

"When will they ever learn?"

Friday, September 9, 2011


Politicians like to refer to the "American Dream". President Obama made reference to it in his speech to Congress on Thursday the 8th. I remember the American dream. Then came the nightmare of Vietnam, and the domination of the military over the civil sector. President Eisenhower warned us about this in his farewell address. We didn't listen. We are in financial trouble up to our necks and are sinking fast. Until we rein in the "military-industrial complex" that Eisenhower warned about,it will be a downward and endless spiral into financial and civil desolation.
History has warned us. Don't repeat the mistakes of the past.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


There is always talk about "shovel ready projects". In ancient history, or fable, the greatest one was Hercules cleaning the Augean Stables.


Is is possible that the high unemployment rate is as much a problem of overpopulation as it is the economic situation? We cannot continue to add more and more people to the population without an adverse reaction. To employ all these people will require "makework economics" that will eventually drain the strength from the economy.
During the great depression of the 1930's it came down to welfare or warfare. Tojo and Hitler took us from a welfare economy to a warfare economy.

Millions died.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Republican Party

The Republican Party has held this name for many long years. but it seems to me that they are no longer the party that once exemplified responsible conservatism. It is no longer the party of Dwight D. Eisenhower, who as General Eisenhower was important in the defeat of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party in World War 2. Even Richard M. Nixon seems to be a most reasonable centrist as compared with the current list of possible Republican hopefuls.
In earlier times, Mitt Romney would have been a cinch to win,or at least to be a top contender for the Party's nomination as their candidate for President. What has happened? Now it seems that an unknown far rightist from Texas is the most likely candidate. As a country, where are we headed?
I worry for my Country. I hope the electorate can keep the vehicle of the body politic in the center of the road, and not veer off into the ditch of extremism.

Friday, September 2, 2011


It is said that the many candidates for President of the United States are running to be "leader of the free world". My question is, what does the "free world" think about some of the candidates. Does any rational person think that the free world wants Sarah Palin as their leader? Or several others I could mention.

I think not!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

the Idiot

Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote a story titled "THE IDIOT". Was he a prophet? Did he foresee "THE PALIN"?


President Obama is too much a "Mr. Nice Guy", and the Republicans are all to happy to take advantage of him. It's time to change, Mr. President. Hardball is the game, and you need to be the pitcher. A few brush back pitches, and if that doesn't work, throw the BEANBALL!