Monday, September 5, 2011

Republican Party

The Republican Party has held this name for many long years. but it seems to me that they are no longer the party that once exemplified responsible conservatism. It is no longer the party of Dwight D. Eisenhower, who as General Eisenhower was important in the defeat of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party in World War 2. Even Richard M. Nixon seems to be a most reasonable centrist as compared with the current list of possible Republican hopefuls.
In earlier times, Mitt Romney would have been a cinch to win,or at least to be a top contender for the Party's nomination as their candidate for President. What has happened? Now it seems that an unknown far rightist from Texas is the most likely candidate. As a country, where are we headed?
I worry for my Country. I hope the electorate can keep the vehicle of the body politic in the center of the road, and not veer off into the ditch of extremism.

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