Saturday, August 6, 2011


A Chronicle headline I never expected to see: "S&P downgrades U.S. credti rating". What a disgrace! How could we have allowed this to happen? We are an our way to becomming a "banana republic". We are becoming that which we have held in scorn over many years.
There are no easy cures for this disaster,but I'll offer one that would be a good start. STOP FIGHTING STUPID WARS!

Later, the thought occured that if i handled my finances as poorly as the United States Government has, I would have a poor credit rating also. Thanks to my Secretary of the Treasury,(wife) my bills are paid like clockwork each and every month. We have no debt. If we do acquire debt, it is usually paid off early. This requires discipline, something very lacking in Washington DC. SHAME!

Latest news on credit rating. 8-8-11
"A critical editorial by China's state-run news agency on Saturday said that the United States must "cure its addiction to debts."

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