Saturday, December 26, 2009

Clothing = No Security

For many years the San Francisco CHRONICLE had a brilliant and satirical columnist by the name of Art Hoppe. Art is long gone, but my memories of daily reading of his column linger on.

Way back in the 1960's there was a rash of airline hijackings to Cuba. Because of the emnity between Cuba and the USA, there was no legal way to get there from here, so hijacking to Havana became popular.

The current news about the Nigerian terrorist who tried, but thanks to courageous passengers, failed to destroy an airliner as it was preparing to land in Detroit, reminded me of one of Mr. Hoppe's columns concerning Cuban hijacking. Art, with one of his satirical quips provided the solution to passengers with weapons gaining access to the airplane. EVERYBODY FLIES NAKED!!!

Art, we have no peace, but I hope you REST IN PEACE! We miss you.

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