Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Our war making history over the past near 50 years can be summed up in one word, "STUPID".
Start with Vietnam, a huge and cruelly stupid fiasco. What did we learn? Apparently nothing.
Then the Bushwhacky fools invaded Iraq. Now we are in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban, a group we helped to gain power when they were fighting and driving out the Russians.
What the hell are we doing on that side of the Earth causing trouble and killing people?
"When will we ever learn?" If it's not soon, we will be going the way of that once great power, the Holy Roman Empire.
War is inherently evil, and eventually evil is punished.

George Will, the conservative columnist titled a very recent column, "Time to Get Out of Afghanistan". If this old war lover says it's time to go, people better listen.

Later: On Hardball I hear the rediculous phrase, "hearts and minds" being used concerning Afghanistan. Are we really that stupid? Are we back to Vietnam? You don't win hearts and minds by blowing them up. "When will they ever learn?"

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