Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Both sides of the street

Hillary is trying to work both sides of the street on the war issue. It takes a real professional whore to successfully work both sides without getting run down when she crosses over to the other side.
From 02/07:  Hillary Clinton urges troop withdrawal to begin in 90 days

US Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the early front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has called for a 90-day deadline to start pulling American troops from Iraq.


Now in September 07 she votes for war again. What are we to believe?

Hillary Clinton Votes for War Again

Posted September 27, 2007 | 02:54 PM (EST)

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Yesterday, by a vote of 76-22, the Senate passed the Kyl-Lieberman amendment in support of military actions against Iran. This is the second such endorsement of the president by a senate majority in just three months. In July, the Lieberman amendment to "confront Iran" passed with the far stronger majority of 97-0.

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