Saturday, February 17, 2007

Iraq debate

I listened to some of the debate in the House and Senate on the Iraq question. The Republican theme was to accuse the Democrats of wanting to "cut off funding to troops in harms way".
Let us get to the truth here. From the very beginning of this war, it's been Bush and the Republicans who have "cut off funding to troops in harms way" by trying to make war on the cheap, all the while giving huge tax breaks to their wealthy friends. They have sent "troops into harms way" without proper equipment such as body armor and vehicles not properly armored.  They have sent "troops into harms way" without proper training. They have kept "troops in harms way" by extending tours of duty for battle weary soldiers. Soldiers who have already served one or more tours are being returned to "harms way", while their families and loved ones are sick with fear that this time they will return in a body bag.
The Bush administration may be the most cruelly incompetent in our history. It is imperative that their ability to continue to make war in the Middle East be reined in and a rational way out of this horror be found.

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