Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Are we a civilized country?

Or not?



"Yesterday a Canadian commission of inquiry released a 1,204-page report relating to the case of Maher Arar, a Canadian wireless technology consultant, who was snatched by U.S. agents at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City and transported to Syria, where, for ten months, he was kept in a six-foot by three-foot cell, before being transferred to a collective cell. Under torture, he confessed to being an Islamist extremist who attended a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan. In reality, not only was Arar not an Islamist terrorist, but he had never even been to Afghanistan. He was ultimately released without charge and the Canadian commission affirmed that he was completely innocent."


This would seem to be what our evangelical "Christian" president believes is the moral path to follow, Are we to descend into the hellish depths that our enemies inhabit, and still believe that we are better than they? 


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