Friday, October 26, 2012

Merdedock for Senate

The spelling may be "incorrect", but the message is correct. If is smells like merde, it must be shit. Call the great "Pooperscooper" to rid us of the stench.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


"Personal fortitude is the very essence of good living".

                                                               MP 1947

Friday, October 19, 2012

Eric Hoffer

In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

Eric Hoffer


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dr. Mitt Strangelove

Is this the real Mitt Romney? Or is Romney the clone of Dr. Strangelove? Whichever he is, beware. For a small man to become a big man, war is necessary, Many must die to inflate the ego of the poor in heart.

Monday, October 15, 2012

White House whities sing this song do da etc.

The Republicans are near crazy about the problen involving getting the "NIGGER" out of the White House. I'm sure that the majority of them believe that the Presidency was intended by our founding fathers to be for men of the white race only, and the only blacks in the White House would be servants.
I predicted that if Obama was elected, he would be savaged by the Right. Sadly, my prediction is correct.
Will we ever learn that a good man is a good man regardless of his race?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


With periodic predictability, the price of gasoline at the pump will take a jump upward, accompanied by the usual weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.

People, will you never learn? The price of gasoline has always gone up. Sometimes it has gone down a penny, but then, up a dime. The law of supply and demand is fundamental economics. Until there are many more electric vehicles on the road, the price of gasoline will be a cause of pain in the purse.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Mitt and military service

Mitt Romney has no military service record. This makes it more likely that he will get us into another war if he is elected President. It's usually the coward, ninny and sissy who is ready to stir up a fight between others and then stand back and enjoy the conflict. This is known as living on others balls. When you don't have your own, what else can you do?
Another comment. If not for Mitt's wealth, I don't think he would have held any elective office. Mitt didn't earn that money. He inherited it from his father, George Ronney. Without Daddy, Mitt might be digging ditches somewhere.
Dammit George. look what you've done.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Roosevelt and Churchill

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. Two giants among men. I remember them. They led us to victory over the evil armies of the Axis in World War Two. 
Where are the giants now? They may be among us, but the current political system will beat down anyone who trys to exert strong leadership and improve the lot of the common man.
What have we forgotten? What have we lost? What must we do?

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Mitt rhymes with Twit

Twit rhymes with Nit

Nit rhymes with Spit

Spit rhymes with -----

Well, you know.