Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The Catholic Church is being lambasted for allowing priest child molesters to run amok without punishment. There is only one cure for this terrible disgrace. Drop the marriage and celibacy rule for priests, and more sexually normal individuals will become priests. This is a no brainer. THINK ABOUT IT!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


As I observe the Tea Party with their radical rants and excerable public behavior, I am reminded of the rise of the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930's. At some point their "Hitler"* may appear, then lookout. Trouble will be on the horizon, and citizens that TRULY believe in democracy must rise to the occasion and stop these maniacs and their evil agenda.
For example: During the leadup to the House vote on the healthcare bill, these characters were at he Capitol in riot mode shouting vile epithets at members of Congress, especially black members.They were using the "n" word, spitting on some, and shouting "faggot" at one member.
These people are a sure danger to democracy and civil order. and rational citizens must be ready to oppose them. To quote Edmund Burke, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We have finally taken a step to join the civilized world in providing needed healthcare for citizens. The critics are ranting about all the faults in the bill, and no doubt there are many. However, you must turn the corner before you know what's around the corner. When you can see more clearly what's now in front of you, then measures can be taken to deal with it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I have said it before, and I will say it again. If we would stop fighting pointless and stupid wars, there would be plenty of money available to provide the best of care for all citizens.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Damn Israel

Is the Israeli-American Alliance Fraying?

I am damn fedup with Israel screwing the Palestinians while receiving our aid and comfort. They had the unmitigated gall to announce stealing more Palenstinian territory to build apartments for Israelis while VP Biden was there on a State vist. This should be the last straw' and probably would if it wasn't for the powerful lobbys in Washington that keep this evil going strong.
For decads it's been almost impossible to criticize Israel without being accused of antisemitism. Call me whatever you want, but I'm criticizing Israel and will continue to do so.
PS, Bring home the troops, and let all those middleeast folks settle their business on their owN. We can't afford to try to make the world operate on our terms. It will soon ruin us.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Goofy political ad for the California gubernatorial contest listing all the reasons you can't trust Steve Poizner.

For me, theres only one reason you cna't trust Steve Poizner

He's a Republican

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Clinton Calls Netanyahu to Condemn Israeli Settlement Plan
March 13, 2010, 12:01 AM EST


I am totally fed up with Israel and the whole middle east situation. We should gat out of there and let all those people settle their business among themselves,and if they all go to hell, well so be it. I see no good reason why we should go to hell along with all those damn fools.
Everyone in every country over there thinks that God is on THEIR side. OK, that's fine, and if that's so, they don't need us.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


It sounds like the Senators, especially Republicans are beating up on Sec. LaHood, the head of transportation safety. I'm quite certain that if before this Toyota schlamozzle came about, the Democrats were to have proposed tougher safety regulations on the auto makers, the Republicans would have hollered about unfair government interference in private industry.