Monday, August 13, 2012


R and R .

Rommey and Ryan and Rand. (Ayn Rand)
Far right is close at Hand
Rape and Retribution is Grand
Rubbing our face in the Sand

I think Romney is a rightwinger becaise his father was a Republican and fairly moderate in his political views. Maybe he wants to go far right to show Daddy that "I'm a better man than you Georgiedad"..
Ryan is another case. He is a closet Nazi whose name should be spelled "Aryan", and in his heart of hearts, he probably adnires Adolf Hitler for showing the world how far right one could go without falling off the edge of the Earth.
Romney would be the titular President, but he would kow-tow to his Veep and  follow along like a sorry old dog. He might even have to ride in a cage on top of the Presidential limo.

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