Have the Bushites removed the blinders, opened their eyes and surveyed the ruin that used to be the most powerful nation in the world? Bush and his followers have lead us down the road to Iraq and ruin, an evil adventure from which we may never fully recover. We are close to bankruptcy, both fiscal and moral and how CAN we recover?
No nation has ever had a 10 trillion dollar millstone of debt around it's neck. There's no roadmap to lead us out of this desert of evil.
Next day: I'm afraid that we have the worst government in our history. How can we trust them to do the right thing? They haven't done it for years now. Why would they change? We surely are stranded in a "desert of evil".
Furthermore: This is the same Congress of fools that bought into the Iraq disaster. Do they understand what they are buying into now? Their past record doesn't inspire future confidence.
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