Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"THE EVIL------------------------------------

----------------------------------THAT MEN DO LIVES AFTER THEM--"     The rightwingers in Congress that vote their ideology rather than do the work of the people should be flogged in the public square.   The so-called "bailout" may not be the ideal solution, but something had to be done. The $700 billion cost is beyond huge, but the loss in the stock market was more than $1 trillion.  I've been in the market for many years, and seen many bad days, but yesterday was by far the worst.   If the idealogues were proper politicians, they would have proposed a reasonable compromise rather than stick it to the public. It has been wisely said that politics is the art of compromise, but these fools would rather ruin the country than compromise their "ideals".   Maybe flogging would be too good for them.  





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