The vote on the bill proves that Bush has ceased to exist in his own party.
The Repubbys are blaming the Pelosi speech for the failure. Geez little boys! What are you saying? If Mama scolds you, then you're justified in burning down the house? Daddy Mac will come home and spank you.
The Republicans, who have lead us down the slippery slope of fiscal disaster, are now trying to put on the mantle of fiscal conservatism.
War, deregulation, budget deficits, massive borrowing from foreign powers, and assorted other foolish acts have brought us to ruin.
I weep for my country.
Why should we believe that the gang of scoundrels that brought us to this financial precipice are smart enough to create a "bailout" that has any chance of succeeding?
Truly, we are adrift at sea on a ship of fools.
The thieves and scoundrels who brought this financial disaster down upon us are being rescued from the consequences of their greed and stupidity. What about the rest of us? What about the innocent poor who are just getting by, and now will suffer?
Will any of these crooks go to jail? Very doubtful. If I was a poor man, out of work through no fault of my own, broke with no money to buy food for my family, what would I do. Beg on the street? Go door to door asking for help? Become desperate and steal food or money to care for my children? Get locked up, while my family is thrown out on the street?
I remember poor people going door to door begging food back in the depression before World War 2. We were fortunate. Dad's business brought in sufficient income, and we had enough property in a small Virginia town to have a large garden and chickens. We never went without the necessities. Mother fed many people who knocked on the door, hungry and raggedy.
The incompetance of our government and the greed of the Wall Streeters have brought us to the precipice of depression.
"To be, or not to be, that is the question----------------" Shakespeare
This McCain guy, is he the Hamlet of Republican politics? To debate or not to debate, that is the question.
I heard this years ago, but never knew the origin. Does't surprise me that crusty old Shaw said it.
The people who have brought us to this awful place will probably get away scot free with their loot and booty. This is so wrong. SOMEONE should pay for this. Impeachment? Criminal indictment?
Remember this. "The fish rots from the head".
We are supposed to believe that the people that got us into this mess are smart enough to "bail" us out.
Verily, verily it doth boggle the mind.
I guess that the answer is, as usual, to print more money.
My feeling about these people is this. If they found you in a hole too deep to climb out of, they would throw in a shovel and tell you to dig your way out.
====================11.3 TRILLION DOLLARS.
This is a huge number. I'm not sure it's correct. I don't understand numbers this big. Does the doofus gang in Washington understand?
I think that many of them don't understand. I hear people as smart as Barney Frank say "billion" when he means "trillion".
A quote from years ago:
The good senator would have to learn a new number. A number rarely, if ever used in those days except by scientists and odds makers.
"A trillion here, a trillion there", etc.- etc.
Take a billion. Multiply by 1000, and then confusion sets in.
Have the Bushites removed the blinders, opened their eyes and surveyed the ruin that used to be the most powerful nation in the world? Bush and his followers have lead us down the road to Iraq and ruin, an evil adventure from which we may never fully recover. We are close to bankruptcy, both fiscal and moral and how CAN we recover?
No nation has ever had a 10 trillion dollar millstone of debt around it's neck. There's no roadmap to lead us out of this desert of evil.
Next day: I'm afraid that we have the worst government in our history. How can we trust them to do the right thing? They haven't done it for years now. Why would they change? We surely are stranded in a "desert of evil".
Furthermore: This is the same Congress of fools that bought into the Iraq disaster. Do they understand what they are buying into now? Their past record doesn't inspire future confidence.
.WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday that Democrats want to deal swiftly with the Bush administration's $700 billion financial market rescue plan, but also want more oversight, taxpayer protections and regulatory reform.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, leading a push for a taxpayer-funded plan to contain the credit market crisis, said on Friday he would ask Congress to take action on this next week and that the Treasury was taking immediate steps in the meantime.
If I was to behave in such a greedy and irresponsible manner and ended up broke and on the street, I would be a bad person who needed to go on welfare to survive,
If my name was Joe Blow Inc., and asked for "government assistance", the pols and pundits would be wringing their hands and rushing to my rescue.
Greed and irresponsibilty are reprehensible behavior, no matter who is the guilty party.
Where will the money come from for this massive welfare plan?
Memo to everyone; Learn Chinese
McPain in Spain went down the drain.
Poor old John. I appreciate the difficulties of growing old. I heard him interviewed on tv today. Sounded at times like someone slowing down an old 78 rpm record.
This man cannot be president.
I can say that because I'm older than John.
Added later: It occured to me that many folks of the young persuasion have no idea what a 78rpm record is. I know because I'm older than John.
McCain 'confused' over Spain PM | ||
US Republican presidential candidate John McCain has raised suspicions in Spain that he thinks the country's prime minister is Latin American. The pain in Spain is mainly John McCain |
I hear many talking heads on the tube referring to the current economic crisis as the worst since the GREAT DEPRESSION.
When the crash of 1929 occured, there were 2 major differences between then and now, In 1929 there wasn't a foolish war that has run up a debt that is beyond comprehension. That may make 2008 worse than 1929.
The Republicans, once self styled as the party of fiscal responsibility has over the past 8 years gone totally bonkers. They behave like a drunk gambler in a crooked casino.
They've been playing poker with the economy and losing every pot. On election day, lets hope they are holding the "dead man's hand", and the "marshall" drags them feet first out the door and up to "Boot Hill".
I understand that most vote for their perceived self-interest. This is the normal way.
For instance, the Republican mantra is NO NEW TAXES. That attracts many voters.
What has happened today in the financial markets, and in the past few months in the subprime mortgage mess should give Republicans pause to ponder the fact that the "don't tax but spend anyway" crowd that has so terribly mismanaged the country and the economy, that the worst financial horror since the GREAT DEPRESSION has afflicted us, and huge amounts of wealth have vanished.
Mad Mike
I suppose it's necessary to keep these giant corporations afloat, but there should be some severe penalties for the crooked and incompetent executives who have caused this financial disaster. I deeply resent my tax money going to these people to finance their obscene compensation packages and underwrite their greed and stupidity.
For those who have caused this mess, the rallying cry should be:
Mad Mike
The more I see and hear of Sarah Palin, the more I'm reminded of Richard Nixon, who was known by the political monicker, "Dirty Dick". News out of Alaska concerning the so-called "Troopergate" scandal has inspired me to name the governor "Slimy Sarah".
Mad Mike
We are in a "Through the looking glass" (apologies to Lewis Carroll) situation where nothing is ever what it seems, or what you believe you see, or what you are told you see. As the White Queen might say to Alice if they were observers of the current scene, "win tomorrow, win yesterday, but never win today". We are really in a "jam".
When we invaded Iraq, we passed through the "Looking Glass" from rationality to madness, and have never been able to see the truth and ultimate consequences of our misadventure.
History tells us there is no way to win.
Only fools press on.
From the highest levels of government to the corporate boardroom, greed, foolishness and sheer incompetance have created the perfect economic storm that threatens government and business stability.
As I type this, the Fed is meeting and discussing among many things the fate of insurance giant AIG. Will there be a bailout? Where will the money come from? Will the crooks and fools that brought about this disaster keep their jobs and their obscene compensation packages?
We need accountability.
McCain touts his "experience" as his main qualification to be president.
Experience without judgement is like a car without an engine. It may look pretty sitting by the curb, but it won't get you down the road to a better place.
--------you hear is the USA financial stability going down the toilet.
We have the worst government in our history, and millions are poised to vote for more of the same.
Fellow citizens, you had better wise up. A vote for JonnyMac and Ms. Piggy is a vote for economic and military disaster.
DO NOT do as Esau did and "sell your birthright for a mess of pottage".
If the voters, in their infinite stupidity, decide to elect Jonnymac and Ms. Piggy, I would expect to see our 2 1/2 wars ( Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan) turn into 3 1/2 wars with the bombing of Iran and the next ground war.
The majority of the world's countries are against us now. Would the geezer and pitbull face seal the deal? Will we be on the losing side of WWIII?
I live in San Mateo County, California, a prosperous and in many areas a wealthy county. We are situated between San Francisco, and Santa Clara County, home of the highest of high tech.
Here's the story. At this moment in time, there are more than 730 foreclosure sales listed in San Mateo County. This is shocking to me. I've lived in this county for more than 50 years. Never seen anything like it.
Where are we going?
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, IndyMac,and so on and so on and on. Companies run by greedy and foolish management that squandered away fiscal resources, and now they throw themselves on the mercy of the taxpayers to rescue them from their stupidity. And more to come. Lehman Bros. sinking fast. Washington Mutual gone from flush to being flushed down the toilet, getting in line for WELFARE. (an aside; why is corporate welfare good and personal welfare bad?)
Back to the bailout. Where is all the money coming from to save the crooks and fools? Just imagine this! Bad debt covered by creating more debt. Most of it from overseas sources.
Here's one to stick in your craw. The head fools of Fannie and Freddie are due huge golden parachutes. How do you feel about being in debt to reward the scoundrels?
I suppose that if we don't like the debt we could pay it off. It's only $31,000 for every man, woman and child in the USA.
Barack Obama is a gentleman. He wants to continue to behave as a gentleman, or at least TRY to do so. HOWEVER, like a boxer who keeps getting hit low by his opponent without any intervention by the referee, there is only one thing to do before your opponent succeeds in emasculating you, and that is for every low blow you get, give 2 back and make them lower.
The Republicans, being the party of people who will sink to any depth, have no compunctions concerning the use of nasty talk, vile and false accusations, and character assassination.
So, like a boxer who is a gentleman out of the ring, but knows that to survive and win he must match his opponents dirty tactics by being fiercer, meaner, and as dirty as the contest forces him to be, Obama must hit back harder, and as low as need be.
The fate of our country may depend on this.
----------------------------until she was told it was a liability. The bridge was pork. Shall we call Sarah, "Porky Palin"? Sounds just right.
I think "Porky Palin" is perfect. What is Joe Bidens phone number?
Frontpage headline, San Francisco Chronicle of 9/6/08
Feds to seize mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Bad government+greedy bankers+foolish people=disaster!
McCain acts like he wasn't part and parcel of the Bush League for the past 8 years. Are the voters so stupid that they will buy this nonsense? Bush and McCain. Cain and McBush. Ideological brothers. War lovers.
McCain's efforts to distance himself from Bush are like a man who has been sprayed by a skunk. No matter how much distance he puts between himself and the skunk, the stink lingers on.
Mac, you have the Dubya stench, and you'll never wash it off.
BUT ARE YOU GETTING-------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------gunned down in cold blood. Sept. 1, 2008
Another triumph for the NRA.
Raise the flag and buy another gun.
----------pregnant out of wedlock. Republican "family values"?
Now that it's one of their's, and she plans to marry the father, it's strictly a family matter.
Suppose Obama's daughter was of age, and became pregnant out of wedlock? Can you even BEGIN to imagine the Rovian uproar?
I can hear it now, and the language is such that I won't repeat it here.
A message to the Repubbys:
"Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone". JC
--------------you hear from the Twin Cities is the Republicans when they heard that Bush and Cheney would not attend the convention.
So, the Repubbys are taking the noble route and cutting their convention because of Hurricane Gustav. Don't you believe it!!
All this "noblesse oblige" to show sympathy to the Gulf Coast unfortunates is so much malarkey. They know how badly they screwed up KATRINA for one thing. The other thing is that they know there is no way they can compete with the Demo's convention.
Gustav was ready made for them. While it may not blow as hard as the blowhard Repubbys, it will cause plenty of damage.
However, Gustav won't cause anywhere near the damage those Repub fools have over the past 8 years.
OK Gustav, blow 'em outta town!!