Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Election time. Campaigns are heating up. Gay and lesbian equality is being discussed. Should they have the same marriage rights as straight folks?  Some say that would be "un-Christian". I ask you, what has Jesus to do with this question? He didn't marry. Why not, you may ask. To that I reply, his lack of a marriage relationship is none of your damn business. As the old saying goes: "Methinks thou doth protest too much.".

Verily I say unto you, any 2 people that want to enter into a loving and committed relationship should do so, and to hell with the nay-sayers. And, legal rights {rites} should apply to all.

Many years ago, my friend Warren Clark and I (both of us straight) were discussing the issue of gay and lesbian  marriage rights, or lack thereof. Lots of yak, but no agreement until I played my trump card. To Warren I said, "Look at it this way. They won't reproduce in a gay marriage. If a gay person is forced into a straight marriage, and does reproduce, the genetic factor goes on and on." In his mind, the light went on, and he began to understand.

More people need to open their minds and let the light shine in. Maybe civilization would become more civilized.

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