Friday, January 28, 2011


Many of my brethren on the Right are disturbed by government interferenc into the activities of business. It doesn't seem to occur to them that business, like ordinary people,if left to their own devices will create mischief whether out of evil intent or just plain lazy ignorance.

I was inspired to compose this screed by the headline in the San Francisco Chronicle for Friday, January 28th, concerning Pacific Gas and Electric Co. "PIPELINE RECORDS HARD TO FIND". Hard to find indeed! Why would you keep criminal evidence where it's easy for government reguators to find it?

Laws and regulations are there to keep honest people honest. They are also there to punish the evildoers that cause honest people harm. PG&E top management has done harm to honest citizens by their sloppy quality control policies.

So my Righties, be glad that there is regulation of businesses that are involved in hazardous activities. It could be you that is saved from being blown to smithereens.

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