Friday, January 1, 2010


Today is January the 1st, 2010. The Festival of Roses parade is on television. Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger is the Grand Marshall riding in an antique automobile.

Occasionally there comes along a genuine hero. One who rises far above the usual charlatens, thieves and ner-do-wells that fill the print and electronic media.

I believe that Sully is a man who would say he was just doing his job. And he was. But, unlike the majority, Sully did his job in an extraordinary manner, bringing together bravery and devotion to duty and taking them to a great height.

Ernest Hemingway defined courage as "Grace under pressure". This is perfect for Sully. After his masterful landing in the Hudson River, the safe evacuation of all the passengers and crew, as the aircraft was sinking into the frigid water of the Hudson, Captain Sullenberger went back into the cabin and walked all the way to the back to be sure that there were no passengers left. This is indeed, "GRACE UNDER PRESSURE".

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