Sunday, November 15, 2009


There seems to be a great dustup over bringing the terrorists from Gitmo to New York for trial in federal court. Is there a fear that our prisons can't hold these people? Are the prisoners too clever for our jailers and will be able to slip through the bars, make their escape and destroy New York? Do these fearmongers believe that if the trial is held at Gitmo, we will be safer? Do they believe that if there is another terror attack, it will be on Gitmo, not the mainland? Silly reasoning.
I believe that it's important to show the world that we have a system of justice that's able to provide a fair and open trial for anyone, no matter who they are, or what their crime. This will show the world that we operate under a Constitutional system of law and justice and are not afraid to apply it, no matter what the circumstances.
A show of strength that is both moral and just will command respect. Fear of doing right is an admission of weakness.
Be strong. Be just. Be fair. Do right.

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