Tuesday, August 5, 2008

White House lie. Soldiers die.

Suskind: Bush ordered fake letter linking Iraq to 9/11
David Edwards and Nick Juliano
Published: Tuesday August 5, 2008



Who could possibly be surprised by this except longterm sufferers of CRIS?

Planning for the Iraq invasion began nearly 2 years before Bush took office. A gang of fools in the Pentagon known as "neocons" were pushing for this evil deed. All they needed was one of their ilk in the Oval Office. Then they got 9-11, public and political hysteria, and the die was cast.

May their souls roast in Hell for the deaths of 10's of thousands that are their responsibility.

BTW, a rational person might think that Impeachment should be the consequensc of this evil behavior. However, rationality is in short supply on Pennsylvania Ave.

Now, lying about sex. That's something people can get worked up about. That will get an Impeachment vote.


There's good news and bad news. If Bush was impeached, tried, convicted, and removed from office, that's good news. Bad news, Cheney is president. Classic case of "between a rock and a hard place".


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