Sunday, August 31, 2008

I HAVE HEARD IT SAID---------------------

-----------Politicians are like diapers. When they are full of s--t, they need to be changed.

"My friends" the time for change has come, and the change is away from the Republicans, and to the party of common sense.

From FDR to Barack Obama in my lifetime. It's a miracle.

Get out the vote. Vote for change. Throw out the party of full diapers.





No room for Sarah


Thursday, August 28, 2008


Looks like the Repubbys may have one sweet ticket,

Candy McCain and Gud'n Pawlenty.




I am white and 75 years old.

I grew up in a small town in rural Virginia where Jim Crow laws were in full effect and rigorously enforced.

Public drinking fountains labeled "WHITE ONLY". Schools, "SEPARATE BUT EQUAL". Movie theaters, "NEGROS BALCONY ONLY". And, much more than many of you would believe.

In my late teens, I lived in a very old house in a small town in upstate New York. Try to imagine the journey from the rural south to this house. It had been a station on the "Underground Railroad" that gave runaway slaves shelter and sustenance on their way to Canada. Now, as I understand, there is a historical marker sign in front of this house describing it's history.

Something has occured that is hard to believe would happen in my lifetime. My party, the Democratic Party, has nominated for President of the United States, a person of color.

We shall overcome.

We must overcome.


I'M GONNA SAY IT NOW----------------

------------I'm gonna say it plain. Any Democrat that votes for Nader is a


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Sez Hillary!

OK Democrats. You've got your marching orders. Better get on with it unless you want our country to go down the drain and become another poor third world disaster. Believe me, we are headed that way. Not too late to turn around.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I just saw a poll that said 27% of Clinton supporters will vote for McCain. Truly, this very well illustrates the old expression, "cut off your nose to spite your face".

A word for these foolish people. If warlover McCain is elected and continues the Bush stupidity, the blood of many will be on your hands.



Saturday, August 23, 2008

COMMANDER IN CHIEF misconceptions

People do not understand "Commander in Chief".

Section 2 - Civilian Power over Military, Cabinet, Pardon Power, Appointments

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States

Above is from the Constitution of the United States


from an earlier blog:

The polls show that McCain has a wide lead over Obama as to whom is most qualified to be Commander in Chief.

My thoughts.

Naturally the polls show a majority of respondents believe McCain is the most qualified to be CiC. He had military experience. Obama has none.

Commander in Chief is a political position, not a military position. The founders of our country put it in the Constitution to give the civilian sector primacy over the military. The President controls the military, and constitutionally they must be subservient. The most famous example of this is when President Harry Truman fired General Douglas McArthur for insubordination.

An example of a great president that provided exemplery leadership is Franklin Delano Roosevelt during World War II. FDR had no military experience, but as a highly skilled politician and leader, he was part of the reason we prevailed over the Axis.

For instance: FDR was involved in choosing Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the European theater.

Eisenhower was a great General.

Roosevelt was a great President

Biden for Veep

Below is my blog of June 19th.


The brilliance of mind, the range of vision and the soaring rhetoric of Barack Obama would be well balanced by Senator Joe Biden as his vice-presidential running mate. "Uncle Joe" as some of us like to call him has very long experience in the Senate and is known in many halls of power as a master of foreign affairs. When he speaks, you can "take it to the bank".

This could be a perfect match. Youth and age. Vision and pragmatism. Protestant and Catholic. Black and white. And most important, both very smart.

OK guys, you have the word now. Get busy!


I'm sure glad they listened to me, (Ha-Ha)

Thursday, August 14, 2008


McCain's views on Social Security

Thursday, August 14, 2008


John McCain, as a wealthy Republican has the sort of view of Social Security you would expect of one who married into lots of money. and cares not one little bit for we who have worked hard all our lives, paid into Social Security, saved money and retired with the hope the we could live out our lives in financial security.
If you are rich and have no need for Social Security, then John is your guy. If you have worked all your life, John has little use for you except for your vote.



Monday, August 11, 2008 Top News
Bush calls Georgia fighting 'unacceptable'


Dubya is indulging in his usual sanctimonious hyerbole as he condemns Russia for their invasion of Georgia. Blather and horse pucky is about all he has left. He, fool that he is and all the fools that followed him into the disaster that is Iraq have gone far to turn the United States into a paper tiger. Did I say "paper"? All the U. S. debt "paper" held by foreign powers that we have used to finance the foolishness and stupidity of the past 8 years have turned us into a "paper" tiger, and come close to rendering us impotent in the face of aggressive military action by foreign powers.

Georgie boy, you looked into Putin's "soul", and now you are going to feel his "sole" as he kicks your backside.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Bin Laden's Former Driver Convicted by Military Tribunal Trial Is First Test of System Set up to Try Guantanamo Detainees


I feel so much safer now! bin Laden's driver has been convicted of terrorism and will be locked up for life.

When they captured this evil man, they thwarted a heinous plot to smuggle him into New York City, get him a taxi license and turn him lose on the streets to create bloodshed and carnage.






Tuesday, August 5, 2008

White House lie. Soldiers die.

Suskind: Bush ordered fake letter linking Iraq to 9/11
David Edwards and Nick Juliano
Published: Tuesday August 5, 2008


Who could possibly be surprised by this except longterm sufferers of CRIS?

Planning for the Iraq invasion began nearly 2 years before Bush took office. A gang of fools in the Pentagon known as "neocons" were pushing for this evil deed. All they needed was one of their ilk in the Oval Office. Then they got 9-11, public and political hysteria, and the die was cast.

May their souls roast in Hell for the deaths of 10's of thousands that are their responsibility.

BTW, a rational person might think that Impeachment should be the consequensc of this evil behavior. However, rationality is in short supply on Pennsylvania Ave.

Now, lying about sex. That's something people can get worked up about. That will get an Impeachment vote.


There's good news and bad news. If Bush was impeached, tried, convicted, and removed from office, that's good news. Bad news, Cheney is president. Classic case of "between a rock and a hard place".


Monday, August 4, 2008

AS THE BANKS GO------------------

--------------------SO GO THE RETAILERS.


Big Retails Which May Close Or Downsize


Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

                                                             George Santayana

Very sad and very true.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

MORON ECONOMY Two scary headlines

Small Florida bank is 8th U.S. failure this year
Fri Aug 1, 2008 7:58pm EDT
How safe is your money?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Well Dubya, whaduhya say about this?

Friday, August 1, 2008


GM posts $15.5 billion loss as sales sputter


This is sad. This is pathetic. Is a great name doomed because of very poor judgment, even stupidity? It would seem so.

Im all my many years, I never imagined that the political and business communities would sell themselves down the river by such foolish behavior.

Is this the beginning of the end of a great world power? When the foundations of that power, such as it's great businesses start to fail, it looks very bad for the country.

In 1952, Charles Wilson, the head of General Motors uttered the famous quote: "What is good for the country is good for General Motors, and what's good for General Motors is good for the country".

There has been very bad judgment by the leaders of the country, as has been by the management of GM, and many other once powerful companies.

Now old Charlie would have to say, "What's BAD for the country------------" etc.

Prove me wrong. I hope you can.