Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama and Public Campaign Funding

The Obama campaign has decided to pass on public financing and stick with his proven fundraising system that has been very successful in taping small contributors.

The Republicans have started to pound him for "flip-flopping" on funding. BUT, this could be tactical as well as financial. It could force McBush to also give up public funding, and go hat-in-hand to the fat cats for enough money to be able to keep up with the opposition. Then Obama has a potent issue to fire away at him.

"Look at us. We have the support of the little guy, the man in the street, the soccer moms, etc, while the opposition has to go begging to the big money guys. And by-the-way, these big money guys brought you the mortgage crunch, the pending failure of investment banks, the Iraq war, blah-blah-blah", and so on and so forth.                                                

Not to mention they run on private money, not on the back of the taxpayer.


Looks like fun!!


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