Friday, March 14, 2008


US STOCKS-Market falls as Bear Stearns revives credit fears


Thoughts on the Bear Stearns bailout.
When banks begin to struggle and need to be bailed out, it is a sign that's reminiscent of the bad times beginning with the crash of 1929. We can swim against the tide, but when the tide becomes too strong, we drown.
If the Democrats take control of the White House  and try to restore fiscal sanity, how long will it take?
Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States in 1932 after years of Republican mis-management, and worked very hard to turn things around. There were still hard times right up to the beginning of World War II. What a shame that it took a major war to start the turnaround.
Of this we can be certain. World War II wasn't financed by selling government paper to foreign countries. The loyal citizens of this country worked hard, paid taxes, bought war bonds, and did it the patriots way, not the way of the political coward who tries to hide the cost in longterm debt.
All of you that think war is a grand and necessary undertaking, unless you are willing to pay higher taxes and make sacrifices, you are a freeloader, not a patriot.

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