Today's news: "Wolfowitz bows to pressure and quits World Bank"
Here is an evil man for whom hanging would be too good. Maybe drawn and quartered would be better,
He is one of the gang of neo-cons in the DOD that started planning the invasion of Iraq 2 years before Bush was elected. He and his cohorts invented all sorts of rationalizations to justify the invasion such as WMD, bad Saddam, democracy for the Iraqis, yada-yada-yada. The plain truth is that they wanted a base for military operations in the middle east, and control over a large oil reserve. It was so easy for Cheney and this gang to bring Bush into their evil plans. All they had to do was wait for terrorists that they knew were in the country to attack, and give them the excuse they needed to start the war. He and his cohorts have the deaths of tens of thousands on their consciences.
The sins of these "fathers" will be visited upon the children, even unto the fourth generation.
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