Sunday, March 18, 2007

War Without End

We were misled into the Iraq war by propagandizing falsehoods such as WMD, terrorism, "freedom" for Iraq, yada, yada, yada.

We are told that if we wind down the war, the Middle East will be destabilized, and chaos will reign. That may well be true.

How ironic it is that before the invasion, things were far more stable than they are now, and every move we've made has worsened the situation.

Before we invaded, Saddam had full control. There is no way he would have allowed any of bin Laden's terrorist thugs to set up shop in Iraq. They would have been shot or beheaded so fast it would take your breath away. Now look at the mess we made. Civil war has totally broken down Iraq society and the terrorists have gained a stronghold that they would NEVER have had before. How clever are we?

The real reasons we invaded Iraq are oil, and to gain a base for military operations in the Middle East. The true intention was for troops to stay indefinitely, and control the oil distribution infrastructure, and set up a buffer between Iran and Israel. The theory was that the oil profits would "pay" for the occupation.

Lest there be any doubt of this, the real leader for this mess was no other than the evil eminence gris Dick Cheney, former head of Halliburton. This must be believed. What corporation was first on the scene with huge no-bid contracts that so far have made them billions of dollars? None other than Cheney's Halliburton. Quid pro quo. What does Cheney get out of this deal?

It's a safe wager that if the Democrats in Congress, and the assumed coming Democratic President can't find a way out, we will be there far into the future, and that future will at the very least involve war with Iran.

Body bag making will be a growth industry.


Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.

-- Benjamin Franklin


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