Friday, November 10, 2006

A Letter to my Country

My memory of Presidents goes back to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Of all the Presidents from then to now, none was more deserving of impeachment and conviction  than is George W. Bush.
The Bush administration has been a disaster on all fronts, foreign and domestic. They have mired us in an unnecessary and unwinnable war that has caused the death and injury of thousands upon thousands of our troops, and created  millions upon millions of new enemies that will hate us for generations. Add to that, many countries that were once our steadfast allies, now view us with fear and loathing.
On the home front, the Bush administration claims a strong economy. This is a facade created by massive debt that if not brought under control, will fall like a house of cards.
I strongly feel that Bush is very deserving of impeachment and removal from office based on what the Constitution calls "high crimes and misdemeanors".
That being said, I believe the best course for the Democratic majority in the House and Senate is to take a firm hold of the situation and bring control over the chaos at home and abroad.
Let Bush serve out his term, but keep him on a tight leash, with the specter of impeachment lurking in the background.
It pains me greatly to recommend against impeachment, because no President is now, or has been more deserving of the disgrace and removal from office than Bush. However, the redemption and salvation of my precious country is far more important than revenge.

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