Thursday, November 30, 2006

Global Warming? Supreme Court Chill

Justice Scalia pokes fun at 'predicted cataclysm' of global warming

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Mike Sheehan
Published: Thursday November 30, 2006


Many species are doomed to extinction. Is the species homo sapiens among those soon to be no more?

Take the two words "homo sapiens".  If you take the "mo" out of "homo" and "sap" put of sapiens, you may have a good description of the so-called leadership in Washington.



Saturday, November 25, 2006

Civil war in Iraq?

The Bushidiots say there is no civil war in Iraq. Here is the dictionary definition of "civil war".


civil war

One entry found for civil war. Main Entry: civil war
Function: noun
: a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country


Hey there Dubya and Dickie C.!! Is this easy enough for you to understand? Simple enough for the average idiot, it would seem.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Washington Idiots

Worst violence yet rips Baghdad
Sectarian attacks hit new high with series of revenge killings
- Kirk Semple, New York Times


If you are able to read these words, you may not live long enough to see the end of this monumental disaster we have been led into by the Washington idiots.

The Crusades that started  one thousand years ago continue on due to the the greed, avarice, and blind stupidity of our so called "leadership". Some of these people claim to be devout Christians.

What would Jesus say?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

CRI Syndrome

Yesterday, on HARDBALL, Chris Matthews was interviewing a retired general who had served in Iraq. What a disconnect from reality! A severe case of CRIS*.

I've come to believe that "ret." after the name of some of these folks means "retarded".

*crainial rectal insertion syndrome

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Simple Equation

Washington  DC + Iraq = Unending Disaster

We have been led into Hell by fools and scoundrels, and they have no clue as to the way out.

Even Henry Kissinger, "Dr. Strangelove" himself says that he doesn't believe military victory is possible. Check the link.



Another Hardline Lieberman


Israeli Official: Kill Hamas Leaders

By JOSEF FEDERMAN, Associated Press Writer

Saturday, November 18, 2006 02 23 PM



(11-18) 14:23 PST JERUSALEM, Israel (AP) --

Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's deputy prime minister on Saturday said Israel should assassinate Hamas' leadership, ignore the moderate Palestinian president and walk away from international peace efforts, the latest in a string of hard-line positions voiced by the newest member of the Cabinet.


These dudes named Lieberman are mighty tough guys. Don't get on their wrong side.

The very serious truth of the matter is this:                                  

Those that advocate the destruction of others, sow the seeds of their own destruction.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hoyer vs. Murtha

Congressman John Murtha wanted to be Majority Leader, and had the backing of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Murtha should have gotten the job, but he got jobbed because a a 25 year old problem. Murtha, decorated military man was out front on the Iraq war, saying for a year or more that we need to figure out how to get out of this quagmire. His guts are one of the reasons that the Democrats won the election.

Reminds me of the old Will Rogers quote:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bush goes to Vietnam. FINALLY!!


Nov. 13, 2006, 3:27AM
Bush may get cool reception in Vietnam

Saturday, November 11, 2006

"The fish rots from the head"

I've been hearing some Republican yack saying that if Bush had fired Rumsfeld 2 weeks before the election, maybe they would have held on to the Senate and not lost as many House seats.

What a crock!

"The fish rots from the head". Bush put Rummy in office, and therefore is directly responsible for everything he did. If the whining losers thought Rummy was a problem, why wern't they on Bush's case about it? Karl Rove is supposed to be so smart. Why didn't he tell Bush that Rummy was going to cost them the Senate and House? Or maybe he isn't so damn smart after all.

A gang of losers. Lets hope the electorate is waking up to this fact.



Friday, November 10, 2006

A Letter to my Country

My memory of Presidents goes back to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Of all the Presidents from then to now, none was more deserving of impeachment and conviction  than is George W. Bush.
The Bush administration has been a disaster on all fronts, foreign and domestic. They have mired us in an unnecessary and unwinnable war that has caused the death and injury of thousands upon thousands of our troops, and created  millions upon millions of new enemies that will hate us for generations. Add to that, many countries that were once our steadfast allies, now view us with fear and loathing.
On the home front, the Bush administration claims a strong economy. This is a facade created by massive debt that if not brought under control, will fall like a house of cards.
I strongly feel that Bush is very deserving of impeachment and removal from office based on what the Constitution calls "high crimes and misdemeanors".
That being said, I believe the best course for the Democratic majority in the House and Senate is to take a firm hold of the situation and bring control over the chaos at home and abroad.
Let Bush serve out his term, but keep him on a tight leash, with the specter of impeachment lurking in the background.
It pains me greatly to recommend against impeachment, because no President is now, or has been more deserving of the disgrace and removal from office than Bush. However, the redemption and salvation of my precious country is far more important than revenge.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

The Terrorists have Won


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 -

President Bush said terrorists will win if Democrats win and impose their policies on Iraq, as he and Vice President Dick Cheney escalated their rhetoric yesterday in an effort to turn out Republican voters in next week's midterm elections. -Kentucky


Would Dubya lie to us? Looks like the war on terror is over and the terrorists have won. Must be time to bring home the troops.

Speaking seriously, I sure hope it's soon. Far too many have suffered and died for this evil undertaking.

Clinton lied about sex but no one died. The House voted impeachment.

Bush lied about Iraq, and thousands upon thousands have been killed and suffered horrible injuries.

Who should be impeached now?

Wednesday, November 8, 2006


The people have spoken. Bush and his toadies better get the picture. They've had their chance and have made the most awful mess of everything they have touched.

On the other side of the aisle, the Dems better play it smart, and don't make any bonehead moves, or the people will get tired of them just as they have the Bushites.

Be cool. Be smart. Get the job done.










Thursday, November 2, 2006

Red wine and longevity

Red wine molecule helps mice live longer
I'll drink to that! Now, does anyone know what Methusalah's favorite wine was?




Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Kerry's botched joke----------------

------------------has ruffled some feathers and hurt some feelings, but no blood has been let.

Bush's botched Iraq invasion has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, crippling injurys, and the undying hatred of millions upon millions.

Who should apologize?