Thursday, September 14, 2006

Orwell updated

     An Orwellian view of the former United States of America
In the mid 21st century, the Constitution of the United States was overthrown, and a theocratic dictatorship assumed power.
The dictator who took power was installed by the Evangelical Party, and has a very interesting origin.
This person was the result of a DNA combination from 2 individuals carefully chosen for certain characteristics. The dominate characteristics were moronic compliance and extreme manipulative cleverness. The birth of this person was by some unknown method of asexual propagation and artificial gestation. More of these clones are in cold storage to propagate when replacement is necessary.
The name of this dictator, if any, is unknown to the population. Only the title is known. Burov the First.
The evil visage of Burov is everywhere. It cannot be escaped, and each eye in the face is a camera transmitting every move you make and every word you speak to the Party Headquarters.
The name, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is no more. It has been totally banished, and to speak of it is a criminal offense. The new name of what once was the USA is ARMAGEDDONA OF AMERIKA, and the capitol, the exact whereabouts unknown to the people, is named APOCALYPSA. It is thought, and carefully whispered among the citizens, that the capitol is buried underground in some mountainous area in the west as protection against "nukular" (as it is now spelled) attack.
Washington DC had to be abandoned sometime in mid-century because global warming, that infamous liberal conspiracy, had flooded the coastal areas of the country. This flooding caused massive dislocation and millions of deaths. In New Orleans however, the death toll was less than other cities because the Katrina hurricane damage was never repaired, and the population never regained pre- Katrina levels.
At this point in history, The Democratic Republic of China was the richest and most powerful nation in the world. One of the major problems China faced was containing ARMAGEDDONA, and protecting the neighboring countries to the north and south.
Canada and Mexico, with the very long borders were having trouble assimilating the huge numbers of illegal immigrants looking for freedom and a better life. China became involved with helping these two countries build "Great Walls" in hopes of stemming the tide of refugees fleeing theocratic fascism. After all, what country in history has had more experience with walls and very long borders to protect, often by conquering and enslaving it's neighbors.
The collapse of the United States was caused in part by constant war and massive debt that over time ruined the financial base. When the time came to repay the debt owed to many foreign countries, the monetary outflow was so great that rampant inflation was followed by economic depression of a magnitude never seen in history. The only survivors were the very rich who had never paid taxes, and hid their wealth in offshore accounts.
These people became the ruling masters.
                       (this is not) THE END ( of the story)
(written by blog author)

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